An only slightly interesting and somewhat meaningless number below my username hit a funky figure that made my dopamine spike. I feel like a big boy now. I can take on the world. I can take on the universe. I can take on the entire multiverse if there is one. And most importantly, I can not take on the crushing reality of my existence and subsequently can not celebrate this milestone because it is presently one of the annual peaks of my exam density. Hooray. Hope anyone who sees this has a good day, and has something happen arbitrarily that makes their dopamine spike too. Like getting really far in the Google Chrome no internet dinosaur game. Or even like getting inexplicably followed by someone they know and admire on such places as newgrounds dot com or even twitter dot com if you hang out on that hellsite, due to hating yourself, like me. Have a good one, and remember to dress warm. Or don't. I don't know where you live. Dress appropriately, or be a rebel if that suits you. Maybe have a bad one if that's how you feel. I don't know you. Go and do or don't do what you think should be done, or shouldn't be done. And always remember,