111 is a cool number. I like the number 111 because it consists entirely of ones, not that I have an issue with naughts, twos, threes, fours, fives, sixes, sevens, eights, or nines, of course, but consistency is fun. 111 is also a multiple of 3 and 37. In all seriousness, thanks for following me, everyone. I know it's just a number but even still it's nice to see a funky number in these trying times. I, personally, have gotten one project done already that I otherwise probably wouldn't have due to being quarantined so that's also nice to have done in these trying times. If you're reading this, remember to wash your hands before performing any secret handshakes, public handshakes, high-fives, low-fives, mid-level-fives, baseball games, volleyball sessions or slapping competitions.