named it "howe" with six spaces following. kinda funny that i only threw the ultra ball that caught it because i wanted the timer balls to have a higher catch rate. didn't even have any status ailments so that's pretty good luck. plus i was counting and it still had 6 pp left on rest so it could easily have made the whole process take longer.
many resets were done on account of it getting confused and killing itself, me confusing it whereupon it also killed itself, my pokemon accidentally getting a critical hit when i really didn't need them to, or on one occasion it running out of pp on all moves and struggling itself to death. shedinja was on some absolute gigachad shit as far as catching rayquaza goes. could only get hit by fly and even then it had double team so making fly miss wasn't that hard.
now i just need latios and salamence. i've got about 172.5 hours logged so if i get the two of them within 4.5 hours of playtime i'll have every catchable pokemon in the game (177 species) with approximately one hour for each one. pretty badass.