This makes me think of Link trying vocals for one Zelda game and then Nayru (who was the singing oracle) being like "Oh, great, now there's a competition. Brilliant."
This makes me think of Link trying vocals for one Zelda game and then Nayru (who was the singing oracle) being like "Oh, great, now there's a competition. Brilliant."
haha awesome!
glad you got her attitude from the picture. thanks for the high score and the comment!
Reminds me a bit of the Babadook.
Looks pretty OP.
Would love to see this movie. But it's rated too high. God damnit. Why does he have the badges?
he used to be an army colonel so that's probably why he's still got the medals going on. what's the film rated where you are? it's 14A over here in Canada. thanks for the high score!
The fish looks like he's still alive. Good for him, maybe.
yeah i'm not too sure if he'd be a fan of being alive on top of a big Snowclaw. Thanks for the highscore and comment!
It is certainly homely.
Okay that's a big knife, but can he cut a cake with it? 'Cause Mine can.
Well, that sucks. For him, I meant.
You've got the same screen effect that you had with Muzzle the Gunscout. Might they meet in future?
ooh maybe!
they could totally run into each other, it would be quite the fight!
No, you specifically used the terminology React Addict. That is entirely stemming from my thread about you.
Age 24, ho
definitely somewhere
my house!
Joined on 11/19/12