just gotta get latios, rayquaza and salamence and i will have everything i can possibly acquire without either hacking or going through the whole rigamarole of getting link cables and a gamecube and copies of other games to transfer the missing pieces from, giving me 177 caught pokes and an extra 10 seen ones (the lotad line, clefairy, the treecko line minus sceptile, sableye, seviper, lunatone and armaldo, honestly less than i was expecting).
i've had a fun time on the whole, and thinking about what i do and don't enjoy about it has made me come up with a game concept of sorts that i'll hopefully try to work some version of into existence by the end of next year, gonna have to finally sit down and start learning some real coding though because i don't want anyone to suffer through my inane shit before it becomes more concrete in nature.
my biggest gripe with the game is that the water is all the same, rather than the whole "too much water" meme. literally i was flipping through all the locations on bulbapedia and found this exact same table repeated over and over.

and it's not like there weren't other pokemon you could put in other routes, they never included krabby, or seel, or remoraid for instance, even when fishing, and if you're gonna have tentacool be there at level 35 you may as well have wild tentacruel too. just feels like with a bit of tweaking it wouldn't have been a complaint at all and that almost makes it worse.
anyway, as you can see i'm procrastinating on that drawing of mine quite professionally, but i just wanted to get these thoughts out there before i'm done with the game and they disappear from my head.