'Ere what's this for then?
'Ere what's this for then?
I like lineless styles a lot but I would've liked to see some more interesting poses. As is, the drawing's a little flat.
Why would I do that your works own.
Brilliant art. What's up with the trees?
Cool, presumably functional stuff here, though I haven't played the game. I imagine anything more complex would've been a hassle to get running so the flatness is fine even if it isn't the nicest thing to look at. Gonna have to dock a point for the carpet/lava/grass textures, though, they really clash with the assets for me.
A couple of skulls here and there are always a surefire way to make your dude look just that little bit meaner. Love the perspective on the axe.
Really curious what this would've actually been about.
Massive soft spot for those white circle eyes.
Everybody ate their greens but orange ate somebody else's greens too.
No, you specifically used the terminology React Addict. That is entirely stemming from my thread about you.
Age 24, ho
definitely somewhere
my house!
Joined on 11/19/12